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Your vehicles A/C systems consist of a gas that acts like a heat exchanger. It's no different from the A/C system in your house. You take a gas, like Freon, and place it in a sealed system. Freon comes in various forms and is still the primary gas that makes an A/C system function. Your automobile A/C compressor is the component that pressurizes the Freon gas and causes the circulation of the Freon. Freon gas is pressurized to create a low pressure and high pressure environment within a sealed ac system. High pressure gas is condensed into a “liquid” state which collects the heat from inside your car, and is forced through an orifice. As the “liquefied hot gas” is forced through the orifice it is vaporized and becomes extremely cold fast as it loses pressure. Your car or truck has both a condenser and an evaporator. The condenser then removes the heat that was collected by the Freon and likewise the evaporator becomes cold. As the air circulated over the evaporator, which is very cold, it cools the air in the cab of your vehicle keeping it nice and cold. The primary cause for failure of auto air conditioning system is Freon gas leaks. As time passes seals, hoses and connectors, which keep your auto a/c system “sealed”, wear out causing leaks. The most typical attempt to repair is to add Freon gas. This is not a repair but actually may possibly cause more damage. When an a/c system is low on Freon it is due to a leak. Freon does not “go bad” or “dissipate”. As long as the system has the correct amount of Freon it should cool unless there are mechanical problems with the dryer, orifice, or compressor.
Eagle Transmission Repair &Auto repair center located in Plano TX. has the trained certified staff and state of the art equipment to keep you” cool in your car” on the hot summer days.
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